“This Move Works Wonders For Me”

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Golf Wrx blog patron, Postcbutcher1547, on 20 September 2018 – 05:55 PM wrote, “As an early extender and flipper, this (Open Stance) move works wonders for me. Seems I only have to set my front foot back a couple inches to see big improvements in my ball striking. My question is, why does this work? What does it say about my swing when I set up square?”

Let me provide the answer. Your Open Stance set-up works wonders because your swing never betrays your body. Furthermore, your body never betrays your mind. Also, your mind never betrays your plan. And, finally, your plan never betrays your intention. That is the esoteric answer.

The slightly more complicated, physics-based answer is as follows. Assuming the above chain of obeyance is in effect, your hands now arrive at the ball before than the clubhead. When you set your feet open to the target, you change the athletic solution (your “move”) needed to strike your ball solidly. Your body (Set-up) changes your mind because your intention (Solid strikes) changed your plan (To an Open Stance philosophy). The only issue is allowing time for your mind and body to adapt to the intention and plan.

Another of my video series is titled, Flatten Swing/Steepen Impact With an Open Stance. In it, I describe the dynamic of offsetting influences inherent in adapting to the Open Stance. Essentially, you are no longer ultra-shallow at impact because you steepened impact with an open set-up.

You used to use your swing to shallow your angle of attack for some reason. Now, you don’t have to. Now it’s in your best adaptive interests to undo old patterns of thought. That’s a bold thing to undertake. You’re a strong or self-possessed person – exactly the kind of person I hope to reach with the truth about the Open Stance.

Watch the following videos for the interactive description of your issue.

Open your stance, and play golf.

John Wright – Founder
The Open Stance Academy

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